
  • <p>  二战如火如荼。美国犹太裔飞行员大卫的飞机在一次侦察行动中被击中,掉落在一个德占机场。大卫被抓…
  • <p>  弗朗索瓦·欧容将拍摄第20部长片[一切顺利](Tout s’est bien passé,暂译),苏菲·玛索担纲本片…
  •   Jackson and Emily aren't like the other kids. Two burgeoning sociopaths on t…
  •   World renowned journalist Sara Ogden is traversing the world in pursuit of c…
  •   安妮卡辭去在都市的教職工作,陪著身為牧師且充滿理想的先生移居鄉下,還有兩個可愛貼心的兒女相伴,擁有令人…
  •   When a group of friends sneak into a state park for a night of drinking and …
  • 比佛利山的多栋豪宅都是由毛里西奥·乌曼斯基的家族企业“爱诚思房屋”代销,但在这里的每个角落,天天都有夸张场…
  •   Follows an ambitious criminal defense attorney that, in his aspiration to be…
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