
  • 特工克莱(杰森·斯坦森JasonStatham饰)隐退后成为养蜂人,与房东奶奶帕克(菲利西亚·拉斯海德PhyliciaR…
  •   Annie just graduated college. As she falls into an aimless summer, she finds…
  •   失意的香港作家天宇(刘俊谦 饰),偶遇台北街头混混阿翔(范少勋 饰),两人展开寻找通往天堂的鲸逝湾的旅程…
  •   一對受過醫學訓練的兄弟,平日專門冒充醫護人員,開著救護車載走傷患,再迷昏他們活摘器官,把搶手的肝腎、心…
  •   Struggling to fit in in her new school and reeling from the fallout of her p…
  •   单亲爸爸提耶里和小女儿露丝一向过着幸福美满的日子,只不过提耶里是先天智能不足,却仍不影响他们共筑坚若磐…
  •   Revolves around age-old practices such as black magic and witchcraft.
  •   Nadia, the sole survivor of her family's tragic fate, grapples with the loom…
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