
  •   Fernando, a talented chef, arrives to the village of Cadaqués during the 70s…
  •   波蘭與白俄羅斯交界上的這片蓊鬱森林,大批中東與非洲難民湧入,敘利亞難民一家也在其中。他們以為只要步行通…
  •       医院医师 June Lowe 和成功的作家 Rick Lowe 有着看似完美的婚姻,他们之间的一个症结是孩…
  •   A group of actors perform in the heart of the Warsaw Ghetto, in a life or de…
  •   一个被宠坏的年轻女孩被逼和母亲一同前往打拉 (Tarlac,菲律宾吕宋岛中部城市)进行传教医疗(medical …
  •   Two children wake up in the middle of the night to find their father is miss…
  •   The adventures of three young boys, who want to capture India's most-wanted …
  •   In 1979, a young girl stumbles upon a possessed tape player. She unknowingly…
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