
  • <p>  《掬水月在手》记录了中国古典诗词大师叶嘉莹(1924-)传奇的人生。她一生历经战乱、政治迫害、海外…
  • 一个家庭不仅受到经济问题的困扰,还受到性问题的困扰。
  •   放高利贷的老大要求要求有前科的尼克在24小时之内归还所有的欠款。为了达到目的,尼克不得不拉上好友一起想办…
  •   《潜伏》、《海王》男星帕特里克·威尔森要升级做导演了!在主演了多部《潜伏》系列影片后,帕特里克·威尔森…
  •   Way up north in Greenland lives 12-year-old Lucia with her mother and her fa…
  •   After learning that their younger sibling escaped an earlier kidnapping atte…
  •   Way up north in Greenland lives 12-year-old Lucia with her mother and her fa…
  •   For the first time ever, two junior Elves have to leave home after losing an…
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