
  •   Andrea Absolonová was a talented Czech professional diver with a bright care…
  •   After the sudden passing of their mother, the Pereira family siblings come t…
  •   一天晚上,两个陌生人在酒吧见面。卡拉刚刚失去了丈夫,但由于丈夫虐待她,她不知道如何应对悲痛。与此同时,…
  •   当命运将两个灵魂拉近。  ~~改编自小说《你的天空》(your sky#กี่หมื่นฟ้า)25 . 15 . 6…
  •   中国奖学金生魏某前往新西兰,在一所著名大学攻读医学研究。她害羞、内向,脸上有遗传性胎记,因此被她交际花…
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  •   A Danish summer: long days turn into blue nights. A tunnel is being built to…
  •   Bad Hombres tells the story of two undocumented immigrants who take a job di…
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