
  •   Follows a man whose pregnant wife gets murdered and despite the police inves…
  • In order to get evidence for her case and dismantle a criminal organization, an uptight undercover cop cra…
  •   他是守护天使,她是梦中女神。他是温文书呆子,宁愿当酒店大堂夜更接待,只为有更多时间沉迷古籍字海。她冲动…
  •   A couple who fall in love and spend a joyful summer until they are captured …
  •   民国初年,租界警员阿莱被穷凶极恶的帮派追杀,命悬一线之际,被一名凭空闪现的神秘女子露娜所救。露娜为此身…
  •   “ Francesca è sola con una figlia e senza un soldo. Ma è bellissima. ”——Fro…
  •   朱丽娅·斯蒂尔斯(《谍影重重》系列)将首次执导剧情长片《愿你在此》(Wish You Were Here),基于Renée…
  •   “在意大利丰富的犯罪历史中,马蒂奥·梅西纳·德纳罗和他的30年销声匿迹是独一无二的,”导演们坚持说,“多…
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