
  •   When 13-year-old seminarian Sacramento Santos joins a new order, he hopes to…
  • <p>  这部电影讲述的是一位白手起家的有钱人和他三个游手好闲的子女的故事。这三个年轻人都是二十几岁,…
  • <p>  The true story of the Puccio Clan. A family who kidnapped and kille…
  • <p>  哈维尔(Eugene Derbez)只希望与深爱的玛利亚(Alejandra Mud)共度余生,但就在他们的婚礼之后,…
  • <p>  It's Friday in Asunción and the temperature is 40ºC. Victor, a 17 y…
  • <p>  Korengal picks up where Restrepo left off; the same men, the same v…
  • <p>  一群童军们分作几个小分队,在葱郁的群山中玩战斗和寻宝游戏。两个红色分队的男孩在森林中走了三天…
  • <p>  A librarian facing a mid-life crisis travels to Costa Rica.《After W…
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