
  • <p>  Ex-con Francine has difficulty adjusting to life in a small lakesid…
  • <p>  年逾六十的意大利老导演莱昂纳多·迪科斯坦佐此前一直活跃于纪录片界,但出手的第一部剧情长片就令…
  • <p>  Religious conspiracy collides with urban crime in a story told from…
  • <p>  When a rival gang buffs Malcolm and Sofia's latest graffiti masterp…
  • <p>  What if you got back home... and there was nobody there? In 1975, t…
  • <p>  生活步调平凡的史提芬,自从生命中的最爱女友,意外丧命于随机杀人事件后,潜藏在他心底的暴力与怪…
  • <p>  Travis, is a thirty-something psychiatrist haunted by the death of …
  • <p>  讲述一个年轻小伙在与一个银行家的美貌妻子偷情后,接踵而至的神秘死亡事件与巨额的人寿保险赔偿,…
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