
  •   埃里克在菲律宾过着相当普通的生活,担任动画师。他住在一个不错但有些脏乱的公寓里,有一份收入不错的工作,…
  •   Nine blood-soaked, ass-kicking tales of action and horror.
  •   Dogleg follows amateur director Alan, played by Warren, after he loses his f…
  •   克里斯·莱默和她年幼的儿子杰瑞米搬到一个小乡村时,他们完全不知道自己的到来重新唤醒了过去的恐怖。
  •   In every movie that he watches, 16-year-old Andoy creates narratives that co…
  •   For her first day of orientation, Dr. Tristian Mackenzie makes her way to th…
  •   这是又一部关于时间、空间和人性的哲学命题动画。日本动画所特有的那种创造离奇而宏大世界观的做法,在本作中…
  • The story of a young woman's obsession with a man who is good at being charming.
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