
  • <p>  From T.C. ChriStensen, director of the sensational pioneer film, 17…
  • <p>  Kasey, Anthony and Roque are smart, ambitious Chicago teens. Like m…
  • <p>  Lily Yeh is a global artist who is fueled by a belief that art is a…
  • <p>  This entertaining encounter with the premier of sonic avant-garde i…
  • <p>  based on the true story of an award-winning investigative journalis…
  • 市场里的一起凶杀案划破了宁静,接二连三的刑事案件背后有着不为人知的关联。警官张振泽(张震 饰)与搭挡小蔡找…
  • <p>  风水世家罗家传人罗鸿畴,成了天资不足学艺不精的小混混。宿醉后梦中一位老者向他讲述了罗家的秘密…
  • <p>  家庭主妇迪安娜(梅丽莎饰)被丈夫抛弃,迪安娜痛苦之余后悔自己未上大学。而她决定和女儿同上一所大…
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