• 金寒玉

  • 状态:[db:备注]
  • 类型:生活 记录
  • 主演:
  • 年代:
  • 地区:中国大陆

简介:<p>  影片记录了一个与癌症做斗争的中年女性韩梅(化名)从2015年到2017年横跨3年的抗癌经历。在这个过程中她对生命的珍惜,对人世情的理解,对生活的渴望,从低谷到重建信念再到最好冲破光明。如果生活是舞台,希望,就是儿子的独舞;在生活舞台上每个人都需要坚强独舞,向着光亮。主人公在生活轨迹的变化中,乐观践行对身体健康与心灵健康的态度。警戒世人有关希望的故事。  This film records the story of a midlle-aged woman named Mei Han(an alias) who battled with cancer for three years from 2015 to 2017. And how she was able to find the value for life, understanding for the world and aspiration for existence. Han literally experienced from troughs to restruction of faith and to her climax. If the life is a showcase stage, hope would be the key finale. Everyone needs to be dancing alone towards the brightness on their own life stage. In her life course, Han shows how optimism can positively influence both psycological and physical health.《金寒玉》的别名有:Jin Han Yu。

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