
  •   David Petersen is passing through the Colorado Rockies. After saving a young…
  •   A family of raucous supervillains who recently ran afoul of the League of Vi…
  •   上一集的大屠杀之后,杰森和十个年轻人的尸体被警方收敛,然而在医院中,杰森再次醒来,将夜班医护杀死,不知…
  •   A family of raucous supervillains who recently ran afoul of the League of Vi…
  •   爱幻想的青少年山姆(巴格候饰演)和放荡不羁的母亲莉蒂亚(珍妮佛杰森李饰演)搬到偏僻的怀俄明州,因为爷爷…
  •   世界著名的特技车手本·科林斯, 带你来参加扣人心眩,肾上腺狂飙的刺激之旅。他在包括麦克拉伦650S,阿斯顿…
  •   前FBI探员弗兰克卡(雷·史蒂文森Ray Stevenson 饰)在黑帮杀掉妻儿之后走向了黑暗复仇的不归路。成为这个城…
  •   Two hunters, vying for the affections of the same woman,find themselves on c…
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