
  •   Two single parents of young daughters, grow closer as they contribute to eac…
  • <p>  他们拥有不同肤色,却是比血还浓的两兄弟。哥哥胡里奥(Eliú Armas 饰)和妈妈在垃圾堆捡到弟弟丹…
  • <p>  兩對情侶,一前一後在兩個時空黯然分手。年輕戀人在希臘旅遊,男的要回英國探望意外昏迷的母親,女…
  • <p>  《酒精计划》是一部由托马斯·温特伯格执导的丹麦电影,讲述了四位中学教师的故事。他们决定进行一…
  • <p>  娜奥米·沃茨将主演,并担任制片心理惊悚片[狼的时刻](The Wolf Hour,暂译)。影片由阿利斯泰尔·…
  • <p>  A woman gets locked in series of strange tubes full of deadly traps…
  •   Mila and Kia have been best friends and teammates for as long as they can re…
  •   A group of young friends as they come of age and strive to meet the unexpect…
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